Newspaper Articles Concerning Guevara (with pictures)

Format: Date, Subject/Title, Source.
October 17, 2005. Che Guevara Legacy Lives On in Bolivia: Seoul Times / BBC.
October 17, 2005. Commemorated in Nicaragua death of Che Guevara:
October 9, 2005. Che Guevara, hope of the world: Dominican Daily, Dominican Republic
October 8, 2005: On this day: October 9, 1967 - Che Guevara 'Shot Dead'
June 15, 2003. Che would have turned 75 today: Reuters.
June 9, 2001. Venezuela's Chavez Declares Revolutionary Campaign: Reuters.
May 25, 2001. Cuba's 'Che' Photographer Korda Dies in Paris: Reuters.
September 10, 2000. Alberto Korda against vodka ad image of 'Che': Reuters/Times of India.
August 9, 2000. Guevara's image used to sell vodka: AP.
January 1, 1999. Castro returns to scene of revolution's triumph: AP.
December 29, 1998. Cuba Honors Guerrilla Hero ``Tania'' Before Burial: Reuters.
December 2, 1998. Colombia guerrilla negotiator: We will not lay down arms: AP.Not directly Che-related, but read closely and you might see a connection.
April 30, 1998. Che felt betrayed by Castro, Bolivian officer claims: AP.
April 17, 1998. Some Cuban Exiles Offended by Taco Bell Ad: CNN, Reuters.
March/April 1998. Che Guevara's Irish Roots: Irish America.
February 20, 1998. More Bodies of Che Guevara Comrades Found in Bolivia: Reuters.
Oct. 18, 1997. Che buried in Cuba 30 years after death: CBC Newsworld.
Oct. 18, 1997. Article about Che's funeral service: Reuters, scanned from the St. Catharines Standard.
Oct. 17, 1997. Cuba Buries Che, the Man, but Keeps the Myth Alive: AP.
Oct. 17, 1997. Article about Che's funeral: CNN.
Oct. 12, 1997. Castro digs up memories of Che Guevara: CBC Newsworld.
Oct. 12, 1997. Article about Che's bones in Havana: Toronto Star.
Oct. 8, 1997. Honored, Despised Or Exploited, Che Lives On: Reuters.
Oct. 7, 1997. Thousands Remember 'Che' Guevara: AP.
Oct. 3, 1997. Reclaiming Che's Legacy: Norman Stockwell, The Capital Times. (also listed at the top of this site under Various Biographical Information)
September 1997. 30th anniversary of Che Guevara's death.
August 15, 1997. Argentines reviving the legend of Che Guevara: Movies, paraphernalia celebrate 30th anniversary of his death. From CNN.
July 24, 1997. Marxist revolutionary seizes market place from beyond grave (a look at Che's image in marketing): CNN.
July 21, 1997. Che Chic: Che "has become a pop icon throughout the world": Newsweek.
July 21, 1997. Small update- Che's bones: Canadian edition of Time Magazine.
July 7, 1997. Article about Che's remains: Reuters, Philadelphia Inquirer.
~July 10, 1997. Bones Being Checked with Che's Medical File: AP.
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