Madonna does a Che Guevara
Here is an amusing article on the site Music Posters
The writer likens the Music poster for Madonna’s American Life album to the iconic Che Guevara image found on student T’shirts and flags the world over.
This one image has stood for so much over the years, like many icons I am not sure that the wearers of the T’shirts always know who he is.
The stare is one of defiance and the beard is one which is worn simply because he was living and fighting in a jungle and could not possibly shave rather than any artistic motivation. Just one of those happy (if you can call revolutionaries happy) combination of circumstances which makes for such a great statement.
Madonna on the other hand goes for two dollops of red paint smeared across her head. I dont really think she carries it off does she?
It really is a shame that Che did not register the image, think how many more nukes Fidel could have bought with the money. But that’s communism for you.Anyway as a fully paid up capitalist here is a link where you can buy Che Guevara flags here
Roughly translated the phrase means “Fight ’till victory”
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